(Authors Talk)

The Heath Bookshop are delighted to announce this event as part of the Kings Heath Comedy Festival!
“There’s nothing funny about being a writer”
Heide Goody and Iain Grant have been writing comedy books together for over a decade. They've had a lot more fun on their writing journey than anybody ought to have when they are working, and they want to share some of the highlights with you. What happened when they tried to install a monster in the canal at Digbeth? What astounding technology do they credit themselves with inventing? How far did they travel to be guests of honour at a convention?
Find the answer to these questions and more at this walk through the lives of two writers who like to have fun while they’re creating books.
Heide Goody & Iain Grant
Heide Goody and Iain Grant have co-written 50+ novels. They are best known for their Satan-in-suburbia series, Clovenhoof, which currently comprises 9 books. They have also written horror, science fiction and more recently crime books.
While tickets for the event are free, in the spirit of a comedy festival you can also pay what you feel on the night or purchase one of Heide & Iain's books if you are able to support in this way.